Saturday, 7 December 2013

Chapter THREE at Gujurat, India

Many were seated with Dadaji at one of the homes of the "Salt King of India," Mr.
G.T. Kamdar. An insurance executive spoke and asked, "D adaji, would you speak of
penance, of worship, and devotion?"

"Penance, what is penance? How can aperson do penance, and to whom shall they do it? This implies that you have done something wrong and you are asking for forgiveness of the Almighty. This is a mind function that deals with sin, guilt, and punishment. This is childishness, 'please forgive me God, I did wrong.
Don't punish me and I promise I'll never do it again.' This type of thinking, this type of belief can never lead to realizing God. God does not punish us, God educates us.

"If you are acting in an unnatural, unwise way that you have accepted from others and are suffering for it, then you simply must understand that if you put rubbish into your body, it will be a rubbish dump. You simply must change your diet and start eating foods that
agree with you. If you want a medicine to make you well only taking God's Name can
help. More than help, it heals any situation. It is the Divine medicine of

"In worship, or puja, the worshipper and the worshipped are identical. When you have realized, God comes and worships you as Himself."

Dadaji always asserts that man will enjoy three-fourths of life, and onefourth shall suffer. We lose our patience and will not accept even that one-fourth given by God to educate and strengthen us.

You must remember there are no accidents in life, only surprises. When you need an
answer, usually you are sent a question. When you need faith, a doubtful situation
comes, and when you need courage, a fearful situation arrives on the scene.
By seeing it through to God, as corning from God, it will always turn for your good. And you will become greater in faith, strength, and understanding.
Patience is the highest of all penances in the world. Due to our emotions and impatience we often jump to conclusions and misunderstand those around us. We curse them and make our minds remorseful. Dadaji advises you, "Have respect for patience. God, in the course of time will remove the situation."

Dadaji himself, and His family have suffered so much, for no reason, but they
had patience and faith that with God all would turn out well.
Dadaji in His own life ~ shows how we should accept and face life patiently. A time comes for difficult situations to change. Truth always wins. This is established and proven. Whenever you have problems in mind try to remember this.
The key is with God. In Truth there is no such thing as a problem, only situations which are not compatible with how you would like them to be at a given time or place. If you permit your mind to feed on this energy, a very real cancer will grow.
If you take the Name of God, the situation will shrivel up and die for lack of food.
"We are not sinners. God is with us, we are with God. If you remember God is All, if you do your duty with only this All, if you do your duty with only this thought, there will never be a question of penance. Do not panic. We all have a panic button. Don't push it, instead
remember God. It is harder to unlearn an error than to accept a Truth, but I will help you. Most are not brought up to believe, but that it is proper to believe.
After being deprived of Truth for so long we have been conditioned to think the lie is the Truth and we become reluctant to change. Remember guilt is carnivorous, it devours the person, eats at us from the inside.
"Fear is the mate of guilt. There is a story that Yama, the Lord of Death passed a Sage one day and told him he was going to a city to take 1,000 lives by the plague. Sometime later the Sage saw Yama again and accused him of lying, for 10,000 lives had been taken. Yama defended himself by saying, 'No, you are wrong, I only took 1,000 lives, fear took the other 9, 000 

"You must stop lying, that is the first lesson of Truth. There is a trick in doing what you do not believe in, working at what you detest. It is easy to learn to live a lie, and then you will be caught. "Realize that God is in you, that you same or changed. You can be in a palace or a dungeon. There is nothing to be afraid of, you have found your strength, love, and courage. Once again, I want you to watch out for those in the God business, the exploiters. They will be slick, smooth and knowing. It is not what it seems. No price for God. No price for Truth. Freedom can never be purchased or priced in the marketplace.

"The water from the Ganges is not holier than the water in your home. The Ganges is the river of life blood that flows within you. Can you imagine, one of the astronauts took a few hundred postage stamps on the journey to the moon, in order to sell them at a higher price.
When the secret was exposed, thousands were claiming stamps from the moon. Be careful, there are more cheats than ever these days.
"You ask about wisdom. Top scientists, business people, educators, and government
officials come to Dadaji for they have acquired great knowledge, but have no wisdom. Wisdom is completely different from knowledge. The acquisition of more knowledge can never be wisdom, no matter how far it is extended. To see everything, not in the partial, is wisdom.

Knowledge is accumulated gradually. Wisdom is a sudden awakening. Wisdom is
perception of the whole. It is what we call coming to us from out of the blue.

"Wisdom does not come from development of the supernatural powers, it comes from
beyond mind, as surrender to the unknown. The unknown is inexhaustible in wisdom. I
tell you Dadaji knows nothing, Dadaji can do nothing. When He is in tune with the Almighty, beyond mind, all things can be done, all things can be known.
"The mind is kindergarten. It is conceited, it says I have knowledge, I am an authority, I have learned so much, I am smart. It is so limited. . These are the persons who are qualified, ,have studied, and acquired certification. They are interested in communication skills. How to speak to one another, how to encounter each other, how to touch, how to look, how to make God listen, how to listen to God.
I tell you this can never bring wisdom or peace of mind.
"Wisdom is born of communion with the Supreme. Then you can create, invent, write, knowing that you are not the doer. This is called Divine Inspiration. The great poets, inventors,and scientists knew of this and acted as the humble spectators that simply listened and gave energy to these ideas from beyond.

"The true intellectual is the one who knows he or she is one with all intelligence and even though knowing this is always grateful and am a zed when the proper wisdom comes to guide the situations of life. The smart person, the wise guy, can always get out of trouble. The person seated in God's heart of Wisdom, never gets into trouble, or never sees what they get into as trouble."


Dadaji always reminds his brothers and sisters that to live life successfully is always a great challenge. Every moment in life we are creating our problems, sometimes consciously, sometimes unconsciously. Results of these actions gradually become unbearable and fill our minds with the sense of despondency, insecurity, and failure. If prolonged this leads to drinking, drugs, or suicide.
Wealth or education are of no help. 0 nly God within one's heart can be depended upon. You will find when you turn it over to the Lord, the burden will be eased. If you surrender completely to the Lord, out of the great darkness will come the greatest bliss or feeling of well- being you have ever experienced.
"This human birth is the most precious. So try to live this life with God in view.
There is no use being concerned about the future. Live your life surrendered to God
the day before leaving this body. You say you do not know which day you will be off
this body, then you must do it today.
That Name of God, it is the only Truth. "Now I will speak to you of devotion and prayer. Who is there to pray to? What is there to pray for? He knows all. You are getting what you deserve. Your little ego brings flowers to God that are His, while God gives you forests and jungles.
You sprinkle holy water, while God gives you oceans. You light candles to God, while He brightens your day with the sun. You bring God His jewels to decorate a statue, while He wears a crown of stars in the night sky for you. Let your prayer simply be to help you to help others to help themselves by remembering God.
"Devotion is the easiest way to reality, to Truth. You must never be a devotee of a person, only of God. Worship is not possible. A human being has no right to worship God. God is worshipping us 24 hours each day. Just remember God.

"Knowledge is of the mind, action is of the body, and devotion is of the heart.
These are not three distinct and separate paths. They together make the whole.

Dadaji is telling you that starting from the body or starting from the mind is the most difficult and longest path. The heart will lead the mind and body, not visa versa. When all three are integra ted and become one then there is no question of Devotion. At this time all acquired knowledge can be transformed as a vehicle for wisdom. Then as a devotee something is happening. You are · doing and at the same time not doing. You are speaking and at the same time not speaking. You are singing and at the same time not singing.

This Devotion is being in tune with the Infinite. This is becoming mindless, then there are no distractions."

In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says of devotion, 

"The one whom the world does not shrink from, the one who does not shrink from the world, who is free from elation and danger, from fear and agitation, who has no expectations, is pure, efficient and unaffected, who holds equal blame and praise, who is silent, content with anything that comes, who has no fixed abode and is in mind full of devotion, that one is dear to me" 

"Dadaji tells you becoming fearless is becoming Godlike. You cannot be beset with fear and know God. You must be content with anything that comes and yet be firm in your faith. This does not mean to be carried away by the currents of life, but to simply witness these, and not relate one's life to them. Devotion is being sensitive and discriminate. It is never being addicted to a code, a doctrine, a church, or a Guru. It is free movement in Truth.

"This person of the faith shall always endure, shall always be a survivor. All others will constantly · be _ victims and perish. When we have discarded all the security the world offers, then we shall know the only true security. 
"To feel the permanent within the changing is to be at one with Truth, unchanging, always guiding, forever loving."

A man who sought Truth, went to a place of a wise person to find the answer. The wise person was simple, of no worldly education, living in a simple hut. When approached he told the seeker the only way to reveal Truth is to take God's Name constantly and to listen to God chanting within him 24 hours each day. The seeker within him 24 hours each day. The seeker was not very impressed by this wise man.
The seeker sought out a great Guru with a palace for an ashram. The Guru said that before Truth can be revealed, twelve years service must be performed for the Guru. The man consented, as he was so impressed by the grandeur of the ashram and the success of the Guru. He worked hard and long and soon even forgot what he had come in search of.
0 n the ·anniversary of the 12th year, the Guru called him and said it was time to reveal Truth. The seeker was told to take God's N arne constantly .. and to listen to God chanting within him 24 hours each day. "Why did I waste twelve years of hard work? The other simple fellow told me that, twelve years ago." "You were foolish and not yet ready to hear the simple Truth of God." "Dadaji tells you puja, or worship, is being in tune with the Almighty. When this occurs there is no worshipper, no worshipped, no worshipping. It is all One, the diety is in actuality worshipping you as Himself. Raise God from your heart
and make the mind the conscious dwelling place of God."

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