About forty people, who seemed to have been handpicked, were gathered in the home of a Doctor of Medicine. The Rector of the University, who stated that he had been a Theosophist for many years, asked Dadaji to speak about religion.
Dadaji replied quickly, "God is One. Humanity is One. So religion itself must be One. Religion is Truth. Religion is life itself.
"All of these Institutions of God, are not religion. They are not for the purposeof binding us to God, but to separate people from one another. They are all superstitions. They are all made by humankind, made of the mind and designed for the purpose of power and to collect money to perpetuate power. They can never liberate a person. They can only enslave people and force them, one way or another, to live by an unnatural doctrine.
"Institutions and discipline are not necessary to find God. God is within you always. How can you find, or how can anyone give you, or sell you what is already yours by your Divine birthright?
"God does not care for, or know about Hindu, Buddhist, Christian or the so many other 'true I religions. Nor does God know about atheists. We are all God's children, we are all God's creation, we are all cared about and loved equally.
God loves you and gives you life. When you turn from God, when you make organizations, temples, businesses in God's Name, then you are turning away and closing your heart."
"The Hindu institutions of religion are confusing, are they not? One says worship Shiva, one says Krishna, one Rama, one G anesha, one K ali, and on and on. Other institutions say worship all, others say worship none. And still others say all are the same. The only thing they all have in common, is telling you to bring money and offerings. The more we bring, the greater shall be our blessing and salvation. No priest repeats the words of Jesus to His apostles, "Freely you have received, now freely give."
"Institutionalized religion is all superstition and money making business. It has no connection with God. There are no 'holy' places, each place is holy. God dwells all over the Universe. The whole Universe is God's ashram. You are God's temple. God is everywhere. In Sanskrit, it is said, 'Tat tvam assi.' 'Thou are that. '
"Lord Krishna never spoke of starting a religion. He said, 'Take refuge in the Supreme.' A business also has been made of Jesus Christ. No one seems to know who he was. Years later, they wrote about Him and distorted the words He spoke. He came to say we are all One. One God, within all. No need for churches, or doll worship. We are all children, brothers and sisters, of the One. Jesus said, 'Remember God, love God, and love one another as I have loved you.'
"In the name of Jesus, so many businesses, all separate, all making wars on one another. In the name of Jesus, millions of Christians and non-believers were murdered during the Crusades and Holy Wars. Atomic bombs were dropped, offering blessings and success in God's Name. To this day, Christians curse and make war on "You kiss the gallows. Jesus
cross and this is the was hung there for denouncing just what is going on in t" churches today. The priests are hiding the great tidings of joy, the good news of God that Jesus brought, from the people.
"Jesus had forbidden men to call other men their Masters or Gurus, or to pray in temples. He said, 'Your God is within, remember God in your solitude.' Jesus did not build churches or collect money, or sign up members. He came to destroy and tear down the temples, the business done in the Name of God. Everything going on today, in His name is a mockery of what He said."
"Is it written any where that Gautama the Buddha said to build golden temples to worship Him? Nonsense. He said just the opposite. H e gave a Code to live by , which is the true way of Buddha. Hinayana, Mahayana, Theraveda, Zen, Tibetan, and Shinto, again so much confusion. So many claiming the true way, when in fact, they are denying the message brought by this Divine messenger.
"All this relates to all institutions of religon and their businesses. Each one is splintered into different groups, making war on one another.
"Guru Nanak came and said, 'There is only One,' as did Zoroaster, Mahavira, Moses, and Mohamed. They left and later the people misrepresented the message of Oneness by saying, 'Yes, there is only One true God, only 0 ne true faith, and it is ours. We had better name it and organize it, so that it will not be mistaken for the others.'
Dadaji has not come to start a new religion, just simply to tell you to let go of all this you call 'religion'. Turn within and feel God's Love vibrating within you, twenty-four hours each day.
"Governments and dictators can deny people going to churches or building temples. They can forbid the wearing of religious symbols. Remember, going to churches, temples, or mosques has nothing to do with God. YOU are the temple where it is necessary to go. Therefore, no government and no person can deny you the one religion of Truth.
"To know and enjoy God, is to be One with God. The trouble is, people are lazy, and are not interested in the Divine. Instead they want an intermediary, who will intercede with God for them, particularly to undo the trouble they have created. People would rather worship a remote God, instead of living their Godlike nature. They prefer the easy, lazy way of penance, confession and repentance, when in fact this is the most difficult and impossible way to realize God."
"Many today leave religions of their parents to find religions of the mind. This is another kind of busines that can never bring Peace and Divine Love into one's life. Even the astrologers have made twelve new religions. People call each other Geminis and Sagittarians. They say the stars and planets make us do one thing or another. This is all mind function.
"Today there is much talk of the spiritual. What do you mean by 'spiritual?' What is 'spiritual' and what is not? What is 'holy' and what is not?
What is God, and what is not God? "Some people say, 'I am not religious, I am spiritual.' This is another sort of ego, another mind function, another label that separates you from the One in All, the All in One.
"People in the West think that religions of the East are better and more true. They change their names, clothes, and do some unnatural practices to 'realize' God. This is another business and form of ego. No difference in the religions of the East and the West. These
are all false religious institutions. The one true religion is personal ~ within, for all.
"Today, even on the streets, in airports, and railway stations, we are being stopped and told, Hare Krishna is the only way, Jesus is the only way, My Guru is the only way, sex is the only way, right diet is the only way, and on and on. There is no way that is possible.
"God is the impossible dream, what a wonderful dream. We are the dreamer, listening to the sound of God's Name. God's Love, God's life is with us. Only this knowing, this listening makes the dream of God possible. "It is incorrect if you think your life is fulfilled just by gaining Divine contact. The lamp that has been kindled by God, in you or anyone, will be threatened by so many crooked and
narrow minded persons who will try to dampen it or blow it out. In the beginning, you
will have confusions and conflicts within yourself. Then your friends and relatives
will try to float you once again in their directions of their worldly religions, Gurus, and pleasures. They judge people by body, by physical and material form.
They cannot see the inner self, beyond body, as they are slaves to the perceptions and images of their minds.
"They lose themselves in the whirlwind of their minds pleasures and excitements. In one moment they are happy, in the next they wail and despair about life's ups and downs. It is important to be among them to taste the variations of life, otherwise you may become like monks, sadhus, and yogis, who are escapists, running away from the natural sequences of life.
"Those who renounce, or more accurately denounce, the life that God has given them, in the name of religion, avoid the responsibilities of the natural life. Their attempt to escape by performing rituals, achieves nothing.
"Your integrity lies in keeping a balance, practicing moderation, and constant acceptance and love of yourself. This will finally prove that although you live among the people, who are always slaves to their minds, you are different from them.
"Balance and moderation cannot come about through religious practices and austerities. They come by God's Grace.
They come by remembering. Once we know God, occasionally we still forget God. It is through this forgetting that we actually remember. We can then face all the jolts and ups and downs that life presents. Everything other than remembering God, is useless, distracting, or nonsense. There is only one thing, to realize God.
The old religious view that people are sinful, lost, fallen, and damned has tended to kill faith, health, and love. When we come to realize we are part and particle of the Divine energy that lives in all, we will indeed be happier, healthier, and more loving.
This Truth I speak of, has nothing to do with Gods, ghosts, spirits, devils, or witches. There is no devil, no Satan.
God's Universe has been planned for the Good. This religion of Truth, of life, knows nothing of atonement, sin, Hell, penance, Heaven, or baptism and initiation as a saving grace. It is concerned with today, not with the possibility of past or future lives. It is not so concerned whether scriptures or books are Divinely inspired or not. It does not limit the
number of Saviors or Messiahs.
This religion of Truth believes that any person, anytime, anywhere, who, by realizing God within, touches that Divine creativity, makes this world a better place to live. This person is in fact, a part of the Savior of humanity.
"This religion of Truth does not believe that the world is not saved and that one day, when someone comes to make it right for us, then no ignorance or superstition will exist. It believes that the supernatural or the miraculous is the natural and ordinary way.
No one can do harm to you but yourself. Sin is just energy and thought that is misguided. Again, this is a case where a word is misunderstood and misused. At the time of the writing of the Bible, as in the present day, the word 'sin' was used in archery to signify the missing of the mark. As you use it in scripture, it simply means not being right on center
with God. So in fact, sin is the first step on the path to an aware ness of Truth.
When you take God's Name, you cannot miss the mark. Instead you score a center mark
each time.
Doing your work, your duty, taking care of your responsibilities is a blessing not a chore. dark is as necessary as light. Death is a part of life and just as good. Believe in here and now. Believe in a power that is in ourselves, that makes for a right life.
Dadaji is like a Krishna or a Moses. He is not a religious fan a tic, but one who leads His brothers and sisters out of captivity. He gives them a taste of the Divine Love and energy, and sets for them a sensible code and mode of living.
This religion of Truth is a commonsense one. Dadaji turns away from fanaticism, or any 'ism' and He brings us into the clear sunlight of the Divine. His is truly a Universal religion of Truth with its cornerstone as Mahana m. In a church one time, while seated on the platform containing Christ on the cross, Dadaji lit a cigarette, shocking everyone present. He then spoke of Jesus in a way that touched the hearts and minds of most of the clergymen present. He asked that all stop crucifying Jesus continually by their failing to love God with all their hearts, minds, and strength, and by failing to love one another as He loved them.
A newspaper article, published in Germany after this visit by Dadaji, stated, "It took the Allied Forces four years to capture Germany. It took Dadaji forty-eight hours to capture the minds and hearts of the German people.
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