A few years back, an unemployed psychologist came to Dadaji in Portland. In private session with Him, he revealed his woes. His wife was suffering from cancer and he was jobless. Dadaji saw into the future and advised him about his business and about his wife.
Now we were staying at his newly built beautiful home in Eugene, built from the proceeds of his very successful business.
His wife was healed of her illness. The man was more than gratefu1, wanting to share his experience and Dadaji with his friends, neighbors, and colleagues in this beautiful city of the University of Oregon.
The first night, Dadaji slept in their new bedroom on their new bed. He called both wife and husband and told her of a back and neck problem she suffered, but had not told him about. She was quite surprised when told she would have to sleep on the floor and disregard the new mattresss.
Today her back condition is excellent. This women, although an avowed Christian, at first had trouble in her mind about accepting Dadaji's love and universality.
Today she thinks of Him all the time and lives with the awareness of Mahanam chanting within her. She arranged that alarge gathering be held at her community church. Among those gathered were students, professors, doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists, Christians, Jews, Hindus, and some devotees of a Sikh Guru.
The questions were many, about ecology, about healing, and about saving the world.
Dadaji looked to Freeman and said to speak something about ecology. At that moment, when Dadaji asks that I speak, there comes a quiet moment and then a flow of words and thoughts come from beyond this mind, for the statements have not been read, heard, or spoken previously.
Imagine purchasing the most expensive toy ever made and then giving it as a gift to a few billion children to play with for a few million years. Well, this is what God has done. He has given His planet, Earth, as a gift to all His billions of children to play on, and play with for millions of years. As some children will, rough play has occurred, while other children caution, 'Handle gently, please. Considering all this use, it is still in pretty good shape.
The Earth is but an outer manifestation of the inner workings of the minds of all the world. If the world is polluted without, then the mind is polluted within."
As I write these words I am sitting on a terrace at a place called Puri, in India. It over looks the Indian Ocean.
The ocean and the beach are exquisitely beautiful. This is a simple fishing village with people living a simple life.
There is no question or thought of pollution or ecological balance here. The simpler the life, the cleaner the Earth. When we industrialize for convenience, better standards of living externally, more profits, the more we spoil our Mother Earth.
The people who have become so exercised about ecology can no longer see the beauty in God's Creation, for it surely exists. They have polluted their inner vision and can only see the pollution with their outer vision.
We have within us every germ of human quality, and when we feed these, they bring about change which is sometimes very extreme. Everything in the outer ecology relates to the inner ecology, both on the individual and collective basis.
The flowers that smile at us from the roadside garden of God are but the smiles of our brothers and sisters made manifest in nature. The hurricanes and tornadoes represent the turbulence of the human mind.
We tend to blame everyone else for our own misconduct. We are blaming the big oil companies for polluting the air, yet each one of us arrived at this place by automobile. We blame others for our inner turbulence, yet it is our failure to recognize God and remember God's Name that causes these whirlwinds. The only way to keep the balance, to cleanse the Earth is to feel God's Love and gift to us in the heart, and to take personal responsibility to drop by drop take care of the polluted lakes of our mind.
There is always hope. Each time we take God's Name, it is like a drop of clear water in a bucket of mud. Soon the bucket will be clear water. Then you will start to feel the beauty, the triumph and joy at the renewal and recreation of life. Your recreation, your re-creation, fun in life will truly be in the image of God.
No need for healing when there is proper ecology. Healing itself is ecology. Take proper care of Mother Earth and she will serve and take care of you. Take care of the mind and body properly and they will also serve you well.
This is Wisdom. Disease is belief. Wisdom is health~ Disease is the belief in the limitation of the mind, Wisdom goes even beyond the laws of nature. When you take God's Name, a chemica 1 change actually occurs in your body. When this change takes place you will be saying,
'Lord, it feels like you turned your Love my way.'
All we can do is remember God, and do our duty, and try to Love God. God only knows, we know nothing. Only God can reveal Truth and Love to our hearts. We can give nothing, and take nothing.
This is why Dadaji can never accept payment for what you call miracle or healing. It is God's wish, not from this body. You say Dadaji is 'a channel,' an agent, or catalyst for that Love and Dadaji says, 'No, it is God's Will, God's wish that these things happen.
There are so many in the business of healing today. That is because there are more mentally sick and physically sick people walking and lying around than ever before. No one can heal anyone, that is absurd. There are spiritual healers, medical healers, faith healers, but Truth is the only healer.
The mind and body are like machines, care for them, feed them properly and still they will breakdown, that is their nature. We will be in this body a few days and then be off it. Everyone wants an answer, when they don't even know what the question is. Madness or mental illness is an extreme form of egoism.
Those who go unbalanced mentally have concentrated all thought upon themselves.
Some people say they will feel better if their mother no longer has cancer, some if they have a better job, better wife, better children, more money, higher position, but all of this is false.
The mind has not presented the true problem. When one has turned to Truth, to Satyanarayan, then the problems will be posed properly. Then God can act on it and all solutions become available and possible. This is being alert, in tune, this is knowing automatically what should be done and what should not be done. This is called steadiness.
The Bhagavad Gita speaks of this person in this way: 'The understanding which knows action and non-action, what ought to be done and what ought not to be done, what is to be feared and what is not to be feared, what binds and what does not bind the Soul, that understanding is good.
The Gita says that when we act in tune with the Supreme, we will appear to have the qualities of all the senses and yet without any senses, unattached yet supporting all, free from desires and yet enjoying them. He is without and within all beings. He is un moving as also moving. He is too subtle to be known. He is far away and yet is near. He is undivided and yet is divided among all beings. He is individual yet contained within all as all is contained within Him.
In order to know what the future holds in store for you, you would have to know what your past holds in store for you.This is not possible to know except by what you are experiencing right this moment.
First you must realize you are living in the prison, as a prisoner of superstition, limitation, Gurus, power, and money. If you want .to escape and be free in God in Truth, Dadaji knows of only one escape plan. This is Mahanam.
Most people become model prisoners and some act up occasionally. When Mahanam is
revealed in you, you can walk away free. Not going from one prison, 'ism, to another prison, 'ism.
Some come to Dadaji and say they are suffering physically, some mentally, some spiritually - this is not so. Only one problem, they have not yet realized, GOD IS LOVE.
One gentleman came to me from Portland and asked if I could help him become the richest man in America. I told him Dadaji may be the poorest, but yet He is the
richest in the world.The greatest treasure is Love itself.
You must understand that whatever man does in his daily life, with utmost sincerity, remembering God, practicing patience, becomes real penance, which is the highest offering to God. So go ahead with your life and work with God.
You will find that God has arranged for you the right things at the right time, which you could not consciously arrange as well. The future is unknown, unseen, not in our hands. God helps and guides those who follow Him in remembrance and acceptance of both what we like and dislike. Dependence on people is unnecessary.
Dadaj i never looks back, He does not dwell on past lives, or past karma, for this is a fascination that is of no use, in fact it can become a hindrance. To move on with Dadaji is difficult for we will not let go.
A person once had a dream. In the dream, many people were crossing a great river. Although the river was shallow, they were so burdened with belongings that they floundered and sank from sight. This person then saw Dadaji clad only in some light cloth, enter the river and take his hand.They moved easily to the other side.
When you take Mahanam, it is like taking Dadaji's hand. All burdens fall away and become unimportant. This is evolution, not revolution. Do not revolt against the past, and try to overthrow it, just take His hand and evolve to the other side. You will no longer be dissatisfied with yourself. You will no longer find fault with everything and everyone around you and especially with God.
We do not know what . is good and what is evil. Truth manifests through genuine hearts. Only do your duty, leave the rest to God. One who gets the taste or touch of God's Love, none can stop his or her progress in the blissful path.
Remember, avoid worldly Gurus. The true Guru is not of the flesh, but gives life to the flesh.
Dadaji never opens His mouth, He always opens His heart. He speaks to your spiritual sense. He is knocking at the door of your heart. Just invite Him in and you will share and drink from the same cup of Truth.
Coming to Dadaji is like coming to Christ.
To Freeman it was like going to Jerusalem to see the man called Jesus. He spoke of Truth and of His Father, Our Father, of loving one another, of doing our duty. He performed all sorts of miracles, and although I witnessed them,He said, 'Of myself I can do nothing. He
who dwells within me, doeth the work.
I touched his garment and He touchedmy heart. Dadaji sent me forth to speak not so much of Him, but of the Truth that shall set us free."
Dadaji is a teacher, who is not a teacher.
He is beautiful, yet simple.
He is strong, yet gentle.
He is wise yet claims to be unknowing.
He is the Christ, the Buddha,
the Krishna, in this day and age.
He is the Dadaji.
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