Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Chapter ELEVEN at New Jersey

Many people came to see Dadaji at the lovely house near the Atlantic Ocean.
They came from many surrounding states and from all walks of life with no regard to race, religion, or nationality. Senior professional people, in their fields of business, education, or science came. Both white and blue-collar workers came. Mothers and fathers, children came.
How discerning is Dadaji. The people who come as spiritual seekers, who know all
about Gurus, meditation, methods, techniques to 'God-realization,' He shuns, saying their minds are filled with nonsense. That they are lying to themselves and are only 'realizing' their own egos. They are dropouts from life itself. Dadaji asks, Where else can we realize Truth other than in life, in ourselves? Surely it is not in ashrams,churches, temples, methods, and techniques.
People who come as skeptics, knowing they want to belive in some Truth, other
than religious organizations and religious superstitions, are the people whose hearts
and minds are made open and free by Dadaji's presence, touch, and fragrance.
Yet, Dadaji always says, "I can give you nothing, it is already yours. You came
with Truth. You came with God's Love at the time of your birth."
A woman was having a difficult time finding and holding on to a proper position of employment. She asked Dadajiabout work.
A great poet once wrote, "Love is work made visible." Dadaji said, "Work, when done for God, is Love made visible. Go through your daily activities, whatever you do is karma. Actions and reactions of the mind, lead to your activities. Let the fruit of your action be decided and bestowed by Almighty God, because the result always comes from God. We have no existence of our own, independent of God.

The question most people ask is, 'What is my right work?' They say, 'I do not
have a job. I do not like my job. My Boss, does not appreciate me. I do not make enough money. Someone else, who did not deserve it, was promoted ahead of me.'
Dadaji is telling you now about your true work. "Always remember God. Then you will see what you call a miracle will take place. You will be given your proper duties to take care of your financial obligations and responsibilities.

Dadaji knows that first you want it done, then you will give thanks. Trouble is, it does not work that way. You work that way, not the Divine. Love God, and do whatever you want, not the other way around.

I guarantee you, if you take a position as a clerk or laborer, and have the sense of loyalty and devotion to God, you will be content. If you are a Postal worker, you will no longer be doing this because you need the money. You will feel that a service is being performed for your brothers and sisters. You will not have to go on strike to ask for raises or to redress your complaints. This loyalty and proper work, will be more than enough to ensure that you get your due reward.

You must plunge into the world and learn the secret of work. Do not fly away
from it, but immerse yourself in it. Most people dream about the day when they will not have to work. This is a dream to get out of the world, whether they know it or not. There is nothing to escape from, except the illusions and superstitions of the mind. Work is inevitable and you should work to the highest purpose.


Work, but give up the thought of the search for your proper work. Know that all beginnings of new jobs and businesses and families are difficult. Especially the beginnings that are made without the awareness of God.

The salvation and realization you speak about and search for, comes at the level of the common, ordinary, day to day experience. It does not come by becoming Monks, or by running away from your family and your work. Remember that when you are unhappy, it is because you are lying. You are unplugged from God mentally. Realize that this unhappiness can wake you up and lead you into the Light, or it can take you further into the darkness.

The means are the same as the end. Love produces love.

Your work, whether caring for children, working in the office or shop, is Love itself. This is doing your duty in the highest form of meditation and devotion. We are here to simply work at God's Will, and it has nothing to do with rewards and punishment.
"The only way to avoid punishment is to give up reward. The only way to give up
misery is to dualities of inseparable the world of give up happiness. These are the mind, they are linked and They are mental concepts in action and reaction.

"Nature itself shrinks from name, fame, and establishing different systems of thinking. Flowers and animals are not measured by contests, and blue ribbon awards. God does not say this work is better than that work. Or this pig is better than that pig. Or if this rose is first prize, the other rose is not. The animals and roses do not receive the awards or the disappointments. Your minds and egos receive the awards. This competition is another kind of war you make on each other.
"There is no sweetness, no faith in life and work, other than that of believing without having seen trusting in God, in Truth, and in Love.
Perhaps now you can see something. You want a glamorous and prosperous position where your talents are recognized and appreciated. This is nonsense. If you have not recognized any of your God given talents, then it is merely a question of doing some work that will feed yourself, your family, and perhaps have a little left over to help those less fortunate.
Even then remember that this work is of and from God. Right livelihood means doing what is natural to you. If you are a vegetarian, do not become a butcher. If you believe in Truth, do not become a priest.

If you think on God, hear, feel that Mahanam chanting in the vicinity of your heart, you will always have enough for your needs. For  your  greed’s, you can never have enough. Dadaji walked in the jungle, eating fruits and vegetables as they grew wild. He was content, secure, more so than many Corporate businesspeople, who are afraid of losing their security.

Be calm and peaceful in your duty, in your work. Do not run away from it, saying, if I only had this or that. When you have this or that, you will be looking for something else. 

Why should you ever get angry about what you believe? There is even a calmness about God's seeming wrath of a tornado, earthquake, or hurricane. You get angry, for you do not yet believe in Truth. You are always defending your ego.

Truth needs no defense. Truth does not say, 'I believe, but … ,' or 'I would do it, but ... ' Nor does Truth say, 'I love you, but … ,' or 'I would like to but ... ' There are no buts about it in God. Truth is never partial.

Everyone has their own karmic work to do. When you see it, hear it, and deny it, the worst kind of mental pains will come upon you. Remember, your suffering comes from your own wavy belief, and your disloyalty to your duty and to God.

I will tell you something about the creative process or Grace. In each person is creative ability. The mind starts the work consciously, soon we are absorbed in the work, and do not even realize we are working. Then comes a point where we can discover, for example, an error in accounting to balance the books, or find an easier method to accomplish something that has never been discovered before. This is called Grace.

Some people have natural creative abilities in music, art, writing, or business. They create with the help of of God, great works that bring benefit and joy to millions. These naturally gifted people, start in the mind and then go out of their minds to the beyond. They are creating, but are unaware of themselves.
Their concentrated focus is on the process, when the result comes, they accept it as gift with gratitude.

Michaelangelo said, David is in that block of marble trying to get out. The chisel is led in the proper way. To deny these gifts of creativity is to deny God, to deny the world of some beauty.
"It seems that in life some must suffer for what they believe. If your art is Truth, there will be no question of should I do it or not. It is destined, try it, if this is so, you will never be able to abandon it, nor will Truth ever abandon you. Be careful to know whether it is just a hobby or something you like to play with. Do not mistake this for your life's work, but also express this in Love.

Be careful with others, be gentle with those you care for that your criticism is constructive, not destructive. You are created in God's image, and often you create in your own image, which is only a mind function.

There are many professional writers, artists, musicians, and engineers who are never touched by God. They carry out their work automatically and are never aware of God's Grace. They are happy to do as they are told. But the very fact that you are here listening to me is proof that something in you wants to express the reality of Truth in all areas of your life.

Truth is that you can do nothing. You can only love and remember God. You can only in trust and gratitude let God do with you what He will.
"People always try to put down one another out of jealousy, contempt, and anger. Those who depend upon God, with full faith, none can make them feel small or harm them. Just go ahead with this Truth in firm faith.

So many varied problems, and hindrances must come. Otherwise you will never know why and how God is our best friend and dearest One, who always protects us in time of calamity. God is with you to guide you to the right path, the right work. Leave it all to God.

Some people are destined to be clerks and are happy, some are destined to be Generals or Presidents. Some will be content with their lot in life, others will always be dissatisfied and complaining. Some will, by mind, force themselves to more responsible positions and because of pressure, they will fail or retreat to alcohol or mental institutions.

You are in your right place. Do not run from it. Do not force, push, or complain. Instead take God's Name. With God anything can work. See your family as
God. See your work as God. See everything and everyone as God. 
If your work is missionary or philanthropic service, this too must be natural with no thought of, 'I am doing. I am giving. I expect some reward or recognition from people and from God.' You do not acquire applause or prizes when you know it is all by God's Grace and mercy.

People are crippled in life by so many ups and downs, shocks and jolts. Even so, they do not care to remember God, even up the the death of the body. Thus they carry over the burdens and miseries, never finding their right place or their right work from birth to birth, recreating an unavoidable destiny.

Once you have finally done the work properly, you will be freed from the work. Then, any work will be proper. For you have come to this life to work, not to goof off or drop out.

The entire world is inseparably yoked with God for eternity. But, due to compulsion to varied worldly activities of the mind, you forget your tie or yoke with God. The Supreme, Almighty God, who is beyond all bondage and mind, is watching out for you. You will be guided from within and without. So go ahead fearlessly in all activities and work of your life. Destiny is Satyanarayan. Do not worry.

When that which is within and that which is without are the same, then there will be only One. Then this question of  work or duty will no longer arise.

The Gita tells us: 'Whosoever at the end abandoneth the body, thinking upon any being or thing, to that thought or being they goeth, being ever absorbed in the thought thereof. That one who is casting off the body, goeth forth thinking upon Me only at the time of the end, they entereth into my being, of that the.re is no doubt. '
One time Dadaji and Freeman were seated in a room where many top intellectuals and scholars from Universities had come to discuss Truth. One asked how we earned our money. Dadaji replied that he had a toy shop in Calcutta, and Freeman had a pizza parlor in Portland. "Funny," Dadaji said, "that you great people with many degrees and credentials should travel all this way to discuss Truth with a toy store man 


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